Sales & Refunds Policy

Thanks for shopping at AReTori. We want you to have a rewarding experience while you’re exploring, evaluating, and purchasing our products.

By placing an order or making a purchase, you agree to the terms below, along with AReTori’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Standard Return Policy

We believe you will be thrilled with the products you purchase from AReTori. In the unlikely event a product is not what you expected, you may be entitled to a refund based on the type of product.

  • Products purchased through the App Store follow the refund policy set by Apple, which can be found here.
  • Other products purchased though AReTori’s site or affiliated sites can be refunded within 14 days from the day of the purchase provided that they have not been used and you can provide a purchase receipt.

Pricing and Price Reductions/Corrections

AReTori reserves the right to change prices for products at the App Store at any time, and to correct inadvertent pricing errors.

AReTori reserves the right to change prices for products at the Site at any time, and to correct inadvertent pricing errors.

Prices shown are in EURO. If you pay for your order with an international card, the price may fluctuate with exchange rates and/or your card issuer may charge foreign conversion charges and fees.

Order Acceptance/Confirmation

AReTori may refuse or cancel any order or limit order quantity. AReTori may also require additional qualifying information prior to processing any order. Once we receive your online order, we’ll provide you with an email order confirmation. Your receipt of an order confirmation does not signify acceptance of your order or constitute confirmation of our offer to sell; we are simply confirming that we received your order. AReTori reserves the right to accept or decline your order at any time for any reason. If AReTori cancels an order after payment, AReTori will refund it.

Shipping & Delivery

AReTori’s products & services are digital and distributed by the App Store or AReTori’s and affiliate sites.

Consumers Only

AReTori sells and ships products to end-user customers only, and we reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order if we suspect you are purchasing products for resale.

Product Availability and Limitations

Given the popularity and supply constraints of some products, AReTori may have to limit the number available for purchase and reserves the right to change the number at any time, even after you place an order. In the event we cannot supply a product you ordered, AReTori will cancel the order and refund your purchase price.